Primary Three - 3 to 5 Years

This playroom is registered for 16 children who are cared for by experienced and dedicated staff.
Primary Three follows guidance from the Scottish Executive Curriculum Framework for children aged 3-5. This guidance recognises the valuable learning experiences that children gain at home together with a pre-school education setting. We aim to meet the needs of children and families in a variety of complementary ways each fulfilling the curriculum requirements.
Our dedicated staff will plan valuable learning experiences and encourage the Children’s progression in:

1. Emotional and Personal Social Development
2. Communication and Language Development

3. Knowledge and Understanding of the World
4. Physical Development and Movement

5. Expressive and Aesthetic Development

Tiny Tots Academy is incorporating the Curriculum for Excellence in to our three to five age group planning. More information regarding the Curriculum for Excellence can be obtained from the Nursery. We aim to ensure that when Children leave the Nursery to move on to school they do so confidently and independently, whilst taking with them the enjoyment of learning and pride in their achievements.





Copyright Tiny Tots Academy Limited 2024
Registered in Scotland No. 258959 - Registration No. CS2010250170